If you are interested in purchasing bulk quantities of the SC112 stack chair, please email the following information to jmoody@uloft.com, or call me at 317-866-5659. If I would happen to miss your call, please leave me a message and I will return your call ASAP.
Name and best contact number
Number of SC112’s you are interested in
The complete address where they would be shipped
Timeframe for delivery
Once I have this information, I will get you a quote and email it back to you ASAP.
The majority of orders submitted through this site are shipped within 72 business hours of the time the order is submitted. You will be notified via email of a tentative ship date once the order is processed. You should receive this notification within 24 business hours of the order being submitted. Upholstery items are built to order, so they are exceptions to the 72 hour ship window,
If you have any questions about this item, please email them to jmoody@uloft.com
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